Research Topic 1 : Sustainable Process Design and Systems-level Analysis

Research Goal (연구 목표): 미활용 바이오매스/이산화탄소 유래 전 공정 모사 및 모니터링 플랫폼 기술 개발
Our group's research goal is to create a systematic method for sustainable energy process systems design by incorporating various theories and techniques of process systems engineering area and developing a sustainable (economic, low environmental impact, low waste, efficient operation, correct raw material) process flowsheet that can convert the raw materials to the desired products. Its applications that we have been focusing on are synthesis of biomass-to-fuels/Chemicals and CO2&H2-to-fuels/chemicals. 

Research Contents (연구 내용): 

Process synthesis: 다양한 원료 자원 (biomass, CO2, H2) 및 목표 생산품에 따른 적합한 기술 선정을 위한 TRL별 시스템 구축

Lifecycle assessment (LCA): 온실가스 배출량 데이터 확보 및 LCA 모니터링 기술 모델 개발

Techno-economic assessment (TEA): 공정 경제성 데이터 확보 및 TEA 기술 모델 개발

Superstructure optimization: 온실가스 배출량 저감 효과 및 경제성 기반 최적경로 설계 및 검증

  • 2nd (cellulosic) and 3rd (algal) generation biomass resources to produce biofuels and bioproducts
  • Simulation models to design biorefineries producing high-value building blocks for sustainability
  • Analysis methods to identify critical factors on economic and environmental aspects in the production process

Representative Research Achievements  (대표 연구 성과): 

Lignocellulosic biorefinery: Sustainable development of biorefineries- integrated assessment method for co-production pathways (Energy and Environmental Science, 2020, IF=39.714, Outside back cover)

Organic waste biorefinery: Food Waste Valorization to Green Energy Vehicles: Sustainability Assessment (Energy and Environmental Science, 2021, IF=39.714, Outside back cover )

Glycerol biorefinery: Electrocatalytic Glycerol-to-Chemicals (Selected as one of the 100 Best R & D Achievements, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning and KISTEP  (2018. 10))

Industry Projects  (산업/연구 과제): 

Lignocellulosic bioplastics: 친환경 바이오플라스틱 복합체 제조·생분해 특정 검증 및 전주기 경제·환경성 평가 (행정안전부 지역균형뉴딜사업, 2021~2023, 42억, 총괄 PI)

Lignocellulosic bio-oil: 미활용 바이오매스 유래 윤활유급 화학제품 제조 공정 환경 및 경제성 분석 (한국연구재단 기후변화대응기술개발사업, 2020~2024, 125억, 세부PI)

Plastic upcycling to valuable materials: 폐플라스틱 탄소자원 대상 석유기반 고부가 기초화학물질 대체 생산기술 개발 (한국연구재단 기후변화대응기술개발사업, 2022~2026, 182.5억, 공동PI)